There are several different homeschooling styles, one style that is becoming more popular recently is unschooling. Unschooling is gaining popularity for several reasons, however, there are some who are unsure if this type of homeschool style is right for them. We have created a list of 6 myths about uschooling to better help you decide if this learning style is right for you.
Myth 1: Kids that unschool are not actually learning anything.
This couldn’t be further from the truth. Kids are born with a natural instinct to learn and it is our job as parents to nurture that drive to learn by providing opportunities for learning experiences. One way we do this is through project-based and interest-based learning. Project/interest-based learning can be done at any level and offers the child/teen an opportunity to learn through their interests and individual projects.
Myth 2: Unschoolers are not able to socialize.
False. Because of the flexibility of a school schedule, Unschooler’s have more opportunities to socialize. Unlike public schools where a child learns to socialize only with kids their age and a handful of teachers. Unschoolers and other homeschoolers learn to socialize with people of all ages from within the community. The freedom that comes with homeschool and unschooling allows kids and parents to explore the community and be active in things that are happening in their town anytime during the day giving them more opportunity to socialize.
Myth 3: Parents that use an unschooling approach are lazy.
Unschooling doesn’t mean that parents aren’t active in the education of their kids/teens. On the contrary, parents of unschooler’s are active in helping provide opportunities for learning, helping their kids/teens prepare projects and helping them find ways to participate in the community. Being creative and searching for new books, activities, and opportunities is key to being an unschool parent.
Myth 4: Unschooled teens don’t have a transcript.
A transcript is an official record of a student’s work. By recording activities, projects, workshops, and other learning opportunities and experiences that an unschooler participates in, a parent is creating an official transcript that displays what the teen has learned. Modify™ offers an option to track activities and learning experiences and generates an official transcript, in PDF form right from the app.
Myth 5: The Unschooling approach doesn’t prepare kids for the real world.
Unschooling is an opportunity to give a child/teen the tools necessary to figure out what they love and what they want to pursue long after their childhood and teenage years. Providing an unschooling approach to your child/teens education opens up a broad array of opportunities. Teens that unschool through high school are less likely to get caught up in a career they are not happy with because they have taken the opportunity to find their interests and passions and they are better suited for finding a career they enjoy and can excel at.
Myth 6: Unschooled teens can’t go to college.
This myth is by far the most inaccurate myth surrounding unschooling. Unschooler’s can go to college and a lot of them do. There are many opportunities for an unschooler to attend college. Once your teen decides what college to attend it is easier to know and pursue the admission requirements for the school of their choice. There are also opportunities available now for distance learning classes through college that allow a student to maintain the homeschool model. Rest assured that college is a reality for your teen if you choose to follow an unschooling approach.
Are you new to homeschooling?
If you are new to homeschooling and looking at different homeschooling styles, we recommend offering them a deschooling period to adjust to the changes that occur when homeschooling. This not only gives them the opportunity to decompress it allows them to relearn the natural instinct that they were born with. Encourage them to reflect on their interests and passions so that they can decide what they would like to learn next, give them the chance to adjust.
No matter what homeschool style you decide to use, I hope that this information helps you to make the right one for your family.