Having a Hard Time Finding Elective Credits?
Electives are a large part of most high school transcripts and finding interesting elective choices for high school that you can do online can be challenging. We have compiled a list of 20 online electives with course links to help you fulfill your elective credits.
The Basics of Photography from LifeHacker.com
Intermediate Photography Course from Photographycourse.net
Your Road to Better Photography from Udemy.com
Introduction to Music Theory from edx.org (This course can be used as dual credit)
Guitar Lessons for Beginners from Justinguitars.com
Songwriting from Coursera.com
Art 101 from Study.com (This course can be used as dual credit)
Digital Art from Udemy.com
Art Education from Jerrysartarama.com
Introduction to Psychology from MIT (This course can be used for dual credit)
Positive Psychology from Class-Central.com
Introduction to Clinical Psychology from Edx.org (This course can be used for dual credit)
Learning to Cook from Theculinarycook.com
Be a Better Cook from AllRecipes.com
Cooking Classes from Craftsy.com
Code Academy from CodeAcademy.com
Hour of Code from KhanAcademy.org
CS50’s Introduction to Computer Science from Edx.org (This course can be used for dual credit)
SAT Prep
Practice for the SAT from KhanAcademy.org
SAT Prep from PrepFactory.com
SAT Prep from UnionTestPrep.com
Business Classes
Business 101 from Study.com
Marketing in a Digital World from Class-central.com
Business Communication from Edx.org (This course can be used for dual credit)
Stress Management
Coping with Stress from Thiswayup.org
Stress Management from Alison.com
Building Resilience from Class-central.com (This course can be used for dual credit)
Graphic Design
Intro to Graphics Design from Udemy.com
Graphics Design from MIT (This course can be used for dual credit)
Visual and Graphic Design from Alison.com
Animation Classes from Skillshare.com
3D Design from TUFT University
Pixar In a Box from KhanAcademy.org
Leadership Skills from Alison.com
Entrepreneurship from Coursera.org
Entrepreneurship and Business from Study.com
Pet Care and Training
Dog Training from Udemy.com
Film Production
Intro to Video from MIT (This course can be used for dual credit)
Film Making and Video Production from Udemy.com
Exploring Filmmaking from Class-central.com
Touch Typing from TypingClub.com
Learn Typing from Easytype.org
Foreign Language
Learn a Foreign Language from Duolingo.com
Choose from 48 Foreign Languages from OpenCulture.com
Introduction to Spanish from Study.com
Yoga Classes from Doyogawithme.com
Fight Master Yoga from Lesley Fight Master
Yoga Classes from Bemoreyogic.com
Drawing Classes from Skillshare.com
Introduction to Drawing from Drawspace.com
Learn to Draw from Jerrysartarama.com
Online Beauty Courses from Skillshare.com
Start a Youtube Channel showing off your beauty skills.
Auto Mechanics
Auto Sevice Technician from Alison.com
Autoshop 101 from AutoEducation.com
Automotive Electrical Diagnosis from Udemy.com
The best approach to deciding what electives to take for your high school credits is to take courses and workshops based on your interests and passions. Ask yourself what your plan is after high school and look at courses that will help you achieve your goals.